Court Craft installed a multipurpose sports court at Gladesville Public School. The works consisted of an artificial turf surface with line marking for a small soccer field (Futsal) as well as line marking for a netball court. A small block retaining wall was installed on one side of the courts and a small wire mesh fence was installed on the other side. It was recommended to the school to not install the centre circle for Netball as tearing around the circle can occur and will require replacement.
Scope of works included:
Remove existing turf area and prepare for the installation of synthetic turf in the nominated area
Level and grade nominated area using clean certified fill
Excavate trench approximately 350mm wide and 180mm deep
Backfill the trench with road base and compact
Supply and install sandstone log retaining wall
Supply and install 100mm socked slotted drain
Supply and install chain wire mesh fence
Supply and lay 40mm Prestige synthetic turf
Supply and install new synthetic line marking for Netball and Futsal
Court Craft was then contracted to complete a sandpit with sandpit cover. The same sandstone logs were used to border the sandpit.
Site Establishment, including cable search, 1.8m high fencing to work area and work compound
Excavation and removal of soil from the site
Roadbase and 20mm aggregate drainage layer
Sandstone seat wall using 500mm x 500mm x 1000mm logs
Playground Sand – Certified sand at 300mm deep.